Monday, November 1, 2010

Thirteen Ghosts, Apocalypse, Comparison with Ridley Scott

Over the weekend I watched one of my favorite Halloween movies, Thirteen Ghosts. This movie is about a family who lost their mother in a fire and are struggling to pay the bills. Life is hectic for them as they live their life paycheck to paycheck. One morning a business man shows up at their apartment with news that one of their great uncles has passed and he has left a mansion in their name. All bills and expenses are paid and life begins to look great for this family. They drive hours to the mansion in the middle of no where and when they arrive they realize that this house is made of nothing but glass. Arriving at the same time is a man dressed up as an electrician. When they get into the house the man dressed up as an electrician explains that this house is haunted and filled with ghosts and this family cannot move in here. He tells the family that him and the previous owner of this house used to capture spirits and they are hidden in glass cells in the basement.

I feel that if an apocalypse would occur it would be in a form of a natural disaster. Back millions of  years ago Earth went through some major climate changes ranging from absolutely freezing to boiling hot. Scientist seem to think that global warming is a form of this climate change that happened an extremely long time ago. My prediction would be that the earth would become so warm melting all the glaciers and snow that the water would begin flooding the world. People would be hanging on for their lives as the waves crashed into towns and cities demolishing buildings and any structures in its sight.

My prediction of apocalyptic future is completely different than Ridley Scotts. I do not think our country would allow replication of a human in any form just because it is so unethical and wrong. I feel a natural disaster of any sort would fit the situation better because no one is really responsible for this. If people were to replicate humans or do something of that nature they would brainstorm possible negative outcomes for this and see that there are too many negatives compared to positives.

 In the short clip we viewed of Blade Runner, the scene is dark with only a setting sun in view. You cant really see anyone's bodies, just faces. Rachel asks Deckard if hes ever retired a human by accident in a soft tone. Dialogue between Tyrell, Deckard, & Rachel is casual and relaxed. They talk about serious matters but keep themselves composed. Tyrell and Deckard had emotion in their voices but Rachel's seemed pretty monotone.

In the last scene of Blade Runner the mood is deep and sad. After a long chase and fight between Roy and Deckard Roy has Deckard in his hands and has the chance to end his life. He saves him and begins to explain his feelings. The rain is pouring hard and dripping down his face and gives the audience a sense of how Roy is feeling. You can tell Deckard begins to feel for Roy and his short lived life. Deckard feels empathy for Roy and his thoughts of androids begin to change.

The future for Deckard is a life and family with Rachel. He finds a way to lengthen her life and they move away and live happily.

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